As of March 17, 2022 Stichting Project Fearless is qualified as an ANBI / Public Benefit Organisation by the Dutch Tax Authority. This may lead to tax advantages when you donate to Project Fearless.
The Tax and Customs Administration sets requirements for a foundation or other institution to be designated as an ANBI. For example, Project Fearless must meet objectives for the public interest, there must be no profit motive and it is a requirement that Project Fearless and its employees meet certain integrity requirements. You can find all of the publication obligations on this page.
(NL) Het verhogen van het welzijn van vrouwen in het algemeen en verborderen van gelijke rechten en kansen voor vrouwen in Nederland en andere landen in de Europese Unie; het ondersteunen van (andere) algemeen nut beogende instellingen die vergelijkbare doelen nastreven, alles in de ruimste zin van het woord - zomede al hetgeen daarmee in de meest ruime zin verband houdt of daartoe bevorderlijk kan zi) jn.
(ENG) Increasing the well-being of women in general and enhancing equal rights and opportunities for women in the Netherlands and other countries in the European Union; supporting (other) public benefit institutions that pursue comparable goals, everything in the broadest sense of the word - as well as everything that is related thereto in the broadest sense or can be conducive there to.
RSIN: 860219616
KvK: 75276836
Beleidsplan (Policy Plan)
Volunteer Policy
Impact Reports: 2019-2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Financial Reports: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Contact Details:
Mérida Miller, CEO & Founder
+31 (0)6 13 946451 merida@projectfearless.org
Our Supervisory Board & Remuneration Policy:
Our supervisory board meets once a month all decisions are made as a group, no single board member has ‘veto’ rights. Our board is not compensated for their time in the form of gifts or monetarily.
Soraya Ramdin, Governing Board, Chair Soraya@projectfearless.org
Anja Jäger, Governing Board, Secretary Anja@projectfearless.org
Nick Clayton, Governing Board, Treasurer Nick@projectfearless.org
Kimberly Statie, Governing Board, Operations Strategy Kim@projectfearless.org
If you have questions regarding the approval status or any of the above, please reach out to info@projectfearless.org.