Our founder, mission and team
Who we are

The journey to Fearless:
a note from our founder, Mérida
After 7.5 years as an innovation and concept designer, I left the corporate world to build Project Fearless. On paper, it was an odd (and definitely fearless!) leap to make… but I’ve realised my wiring for human-centric design shaped the switch.
Building for people, with people, and creating empowering solutions is what gives me energy.
It’s what I loved about working as an adaptive snowboard coach for kids and adults with disabilities. It’s what later drew me to concept design — and also made me realise the impact I could make in the corporate design world wasn’t enough for me. And it’s what drives me now, shaping and growing Project Fearless to welcome the climate scientists, creatives, kickboxers, skateboarders and entrepreneurs of the future.
Plugging the gaps currently left by society, we want to be the place where girls and kids realise they can be anything they want; where the next generation of teammates and leaders find their voice, their way.
We create an empowering, supportive atmosphere, giving kids space to build resilience and self-confidence, learn to celebrate each other’s falls and wins, and meet accessible role models.
Igniting adventurous and aware humans who know they can tackle whatever life throws at them, and define success however they choose.
Welcome to Project Fearless!
Hugs & high fives,

fearless futures
Giving girls* the space, time and tools to figure out who they are — not who they’re expected to be.
We’re creating what parents wish they’d had growing up, and want for their kids now: a place where they can step inside, shed who they “should be”, and figure out who they are instead.
Where they can explore out of their comfort zones and play without the pressure of perfection: moving, building, getting messy and making new friends!

Meet our team
Mérida Miller
Vanessa Guinadi
Elizabeth Evans-Kiikka
Emma Argüelles
Ams. Operations Coordinator
Sophie Wodzikova
Rotterdam Operations Coordinator
Nalan Akyurek
HR Recruitment, Volunteer
Susan van der Meulen
HR Manager, Volunteer
Irum Javed
Impact Analyst, Volunteer
Catherine Sorbara, PhD
Head of Impact & Evaluation, Volunteer
Chloe Raymond
Events, Volunteer
Gabi Verstappen
Finance Manager & Puzzler, Volunteer
Creative & communications
Aarathy Balasingam
Motion Graphics & Video Creator, Volunteer
Iris de Bruin
Lead Designer
We are looking for...
a Dutch Copywriter & translations help, volunteer
Apply here! -
Pablo Chiapetta
Motion Graphic Designer, Volunteer
Ayanna Colden
Marketing Specialist & Vertrouwenscontactpersoon, Volunteer
Kirstie Crail
Program Development & Grant Writing
Minnie Hannuksela
Graphic Designer, Volunteer
We are looking for...
a Social Media Strategist, Volunteer
Hannah Hansen
Social Media Manager, Volunteer
Abi Malins
Copy Lead
Zoey Rogaar
Dutch Copywriter, Volunteer
Zoe Harlander
Social Media Youth Advisor, Volunteer
Sophie Whitworth
Social Media Youth Advisor, Volunteer
We are looking for...
a Website Editor/ Controler, Volunteer
Our amazing Coaches
Our Coaches bring Project Fearless to life out there, and we’re ever grateful to them all. They’re accessible role models for the kids who join our courses, showing them that people like them can thrive in leadership positions — and still be fun, be empathetic and, yes, make mistakes sometimes! It’s important that our Coaches represent the kids and neighbourhoods we work with, to make these role model relationships as strong as possible.
Ready to join our Coaching crew? Scroll down and click the “Explore roles” button.

Want to be part of this Fearless team?
…and help change girls’ lives in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and beyond? Check out our open roles and apply today!